Not So Polite Dinner Conversation – “I’m shocked, shocked…..”

(addendum: unsurprisingly, we have some of those “shocked” people now insisting that Trump is perfectly fine now, including a number of pastors.  Thanks folks, nothing like showing the religious right is simply cowards and hypocrites)

“I’m shocked, shocked that gambling is going on in here.”

“Your winnings, sir.”

Just finished watching CBS Sunday Morning, where it had Ben Stein being just as sincere as Captain Renault in his indignation about how bad Donald Trump is. Ben Stein, as a lot of you know, is the same fellow who was involved with the nonsense “Expelled” about creationism in schools.

He’s just the latest in a long line of Republicans who are now condemning Trump, despite having no problem with Trump saying things about women, immigrants, Mexicans, veterans, etc, all disgusting and all lies. We have two choices in what they say here: it’s just hypocrisy, or it is people who made a terrible choice and now have finally come to their senses, and it took Trump touting how great sexual assault is to do it. Neither conclusion reflects well on these people, but if it is the second, at least they did come to their senses, like Captain Renault does in Casablanca.

Of course we still have Republicans who are saying that what Trump says is just fine, including people who self-describe as conservative Christians. They say that their god is using Trump. Well, if this god can’t come up with a better tool than Trump, then it isn’t much of a god, is it?

Trump apologized for something 11 years ago. And never once changed his actions or his words in those intervening 11 years right up to now, consistently treating women, and everyone else, like the bully he is. There is no reason to accept the crocodile’s tears.

5 thoughts on “Not So Polite Dinner Conversation – “I’m shocked, shocked…..”

  1. I vote to replace the term “taking my morning constitution” to “taking my morning Trump”

    If Trump is the x-ian vessel for the dog, they may have it right. A narcissistic, angry, petty, petulant, bully is in fact the perfect vessel for their god. Which I suppose is why they see him so positively…?

    Ben Stein? Hasn’t Ben Stein been relegated to the dustbin of idiocy already?


    1. one would have hoped. I do like watching Sunday Morning, but when they have a sad little liar on it, I wonder.

      you have it perfectly for trump being like sad little Christian god. I should stick the circus peanut’s head on the Sistine chapel ceiling.

      I do have to say I love this image, though it trods on my beloved Mr. Snuffleupagus


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