Not So Polite Dinner Conversation – Now Oranges are evidence of the conservative Christian god

Yep, thanks to Ray Comfort, oranges are evidence of his version of the Christian god:


Of course no Christian can do miracles like Jesus Christ, Son of God. But heck, we should believe oranges are evidence of this god, just like bananas.

Screw the amputees, screw the cancer patients, oranges are evidence of God. Even Ray will choose a secular hospital rather than trusting that a Christian elder can heal him.  Sucks to need evidence, eh? So much for “faith”.

What complete idiots.


and this is the fellow that some atheists claim is a nice guy



18 thoughts on “Not So Polite Dinner Conversation – Now Oranges are evidence of the conservative Christian god

      1. You need to move to a more Christian Conservative community. Did you ever hear about the demise of Rev. Gary Aldridge?
        “When police found him they said every inch of his body was covered with rubber. (Including the condom that covered the dildo.)”

        Liked by 1 person

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