Not So Polite Dinner Conversation – an update on the cathedral to celebrate overthrow of Roe v. Wade, not to help children or women

Back in June of 2022, I posted about this effort to build yet another useless church. Unsurprisingly, it’s taken them two years to do anything at all. Curious how those prayers just don’t do anything at all.

This is a part of their plea for more prayers, in case their god hasn’t heard what they are demanding.

“First, I need to ask your forgiveness for not doing a better job communicating with you regarding the progress of this Cathedral for the Unborn, our generation’s own version of the Holy Innocents. We hope to place it under the patronage of the Holy Mother of God, she who with St. Joseph provided a refuge for the Christ Child against the evil Herod.  I should have known two years ago when I announced this on “Pints with Aquinas” that it would generate a flood of interest and enthusiasm, and that I should have had staff in place to help me with all the needs connected therewith.  

Myself and those with me are all volunteers and these past two years have produced an enormous amount of work but also great results.  Primarily, we have prayer warriors driving this vision. True, we could use more help in this area, because without prayer nothing is possible. This altar of reparation needs to be birthed into being through prayer. Please say a daily prayer to Christ: “Lord Jesus, grant us the grace of a national shrine to make reparation to you for our sins against life and family, and as a place to give thanks for the gift of life amidst a culture of death.””

So, nagging their god is their strategy, a god that is supposedly omniscient and knows what they want, but doesn’t seem to be in too big of a hurry to grant their wish. Well, that’s what you get with an imaginary friend that has no problem with abortions, killing kids, or allowing kids to be killed for a rather sick interlude in his/his son’s story.

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