Not So Polite Dinner Conversation – frustration and futility

I dreamt about dead crows last night.   I was in a parking lot where there was a crow that was black, red and blue. A child kicked it and I tried to help it but it died. Then I was back in my garden where there were more dead and dying crows.   My parents laughed at me for trying to help them.

Then Athena, one of our cats, decided that she needed to wake me up, chirping and nearly rolling off the bed.

Per some dream websites, dead crows are a sign of an enemy won over, but I love crows/ravens, pretty much as I love snow leopards. My husband, who has a talent at interpreting symbolism, says it could be that the crows were people of color and I was frustrated that I couldn’t help them.

I like this video

To a point, anyway. I don’t believe we were ever “great”.   At points, the country, in general, was better than it is now.


Americans committed atrocities repeatedly against the native humans here and in colonization attempts. The US gov’t ignores the treaties it agreed to. That still happens, witness the Standing Rock protests about water.

Slavery was accepted and a good part of the country decided that murdering their fellows for the “right” to own a human being was just a wonderful idea. And there are STILL have Americans who think this is fine.

Women weren’t recognized as human beings with their own rights for more than a hundred years. And there is still have no Equal Rights Amendment to the Constitution.

Many Americans just wanted to appease Hitler and other dictators as long as they weren’t bothered. Isolationists were rampant. A ridiculous number of Americans were Nazis and had summer camps about that crap in the US. So much for the “greatest generation” that had to be largely dragged into caring about the events around the world.

The police in the country default to violence in many situations because they aren’t taught any better and hiring is for those who follow orders, not those who think.

The willful ignorance and arrogance that drives the idea of exceptionalism, aka the “chosen people” is a poison. We advocate, we donate. And I wonder what’s the point sometimes? The dreams of frustration still plague me every night.


35 thoughts on “Not So Polite Dinner Conversation – frustration and futility

  1. aka the “chosen people” is a poison”
    You’re not very consistent. You were just recently arguing that this Hebrew-influenced philosophy in the west was superior to the ancient eastern philosophies that typically were more sustainable, until they recently adapted ours. So which is it? It certainly affected everything but science, right?
    The crow is a spirit animal associated with life mysteries and magic. The power of this bird as totem and spirit guide is provide insight and means of supporting intentions. Sign of luck, it is also associated with the archetype of the trickster; be aware of deceiving appearances. If the crow has chosen you as your spirit or totem animal, it supports you in developing the power of sight, transformation, and connection with life’s magic. Right up your ally?


    1. Jim, you are making false claims for your own benefit again. Please do show where I ever said that the idea of the “chosen people” was a good idea. You have yet to show that your “ancient eastern philosophies” are any more sustainable than any other. You seem to have glommed onto them for their sheer exoticness. Humans do love to pretend that they know the secrets of the universe.

      The crow is a bird. It is not magical. It is not a “spirit”. You again make baseless claims. I know all of the myths associated with crows, and ravens and Raven. This is one of my favorite cartoon series which has Raven up to all sorts of mischief: As I’ve said before, I wish this stuff was true but it isn’t. Human minds do like to have symbolism. No magic needed.

      Of course you won’t show any evidence for your further false claims about me, just like you haven’t answered any of the other questions I’ve asked:

      “We’re barely here if even at all. Some Chinese philosophies have pointed this out for 3000 years, yet you’d credit science with discovering this void of material without any real explanation at all, while simultaneously discrediting the other as “magic”. ”

      What are these philosophies?

      “A lot of scientists (not all) think that almost all the mass of our bodies comes from the kinetic energy of the quarks and the binding energy of the gluons, yet these are massless. ”

      Who are these scientists?

      “You speak with authority but even the physicist really don’t know what the hell is going on. ”

      Evidence for this?

      “Things are much stranger and varied than you will admit (determined atheism) so, you’ve closed your book.”

      Evidence for this?

      “So the Harvard botanists as well, were stumped and also agreed with Wade, so stop dodging. ”

      Who are these harvard botanists?

      “There is a lot of evidence that ideas and thoughts come from somewhere outside your own brain. ”

      what is this evidence? I already sent you more research that shows that dualism is nonsense.


      1. If you can’t remember, you denied the “chosen people,Hebrew/Christian has influenced your scientific method and outcomes of that science which is still to subdue the earth. No false claims. You just can’t seem to connect a dot.


      2. please show evidence that the “chosen people,Hebrew/Christian” has influenced the scientific method. You’ve made the claim, now support it. I have no problem in denying your false claims. Exactly where does the scientific method say “subdue the earth”???? Surely you can provide at least that?

        But you’ll just run away again since I’ve called you on your false claims.


      3. Every advance is used to exploit the earth. We are still under that model of philosophy. If you can’t see that I can’t help you. But it’s reality. Both ways, in the creation and the “mechanical” universe, man is in the end, nothing anyway, so why bother? Do I need to spell that for you too?


      4. and again we have Jim unable to support his claims here: “If you can’t remember, you denied the “chosen people,Hebrew/Christian has influenced your scientific method and outcomes of that science which is still to subdue the earth. No false claims. You just can’t seem to connect a dot. ”

        where are these “dots”, Jim? Again, show evidence for your claims. Where has the “chosen people,Hebrew/Christian” influenced this:

        scientific method steps

        There is no such thing as a free lunch also known as the TANSTAAFLTANSTAAFLTANSTAAFL principle . We will always consume. I’m all for cutting the world’s population so we don’t destroy the earth. You have yet to show that your exotic philosophies and magic are any better than what we have. We know that these ancients repeatedly destroyed their environments, so their somehow magical ideas aren’t any better.

        Now, you’ll likely try the common theist claim that those people weren’t “really” following those philosophies. Of course, you can’t even show what these philosophies are, despite my asking.

        Of course you won’t show any evidence for your further false claims about me, just like you haven’t answered any of the other questions I’ve asked:

        “We’re barely here if even at all. Some Chinese philosophies have pointed this out for 3000 years, yet you’d credit science with discovering this void of material without any real explanation at all, while simultaneously discrediting the other as “magic”. ”

        What are these philosophies?

        “A lot of scientists (not all) think that almost all the mass of our bodies comes from the kinetic energy of the quarks and the binding energy of the gluons, yet these are massless. ”

        Who are these scientists?

        “You speak with authority but even the physicist really don’t know what the hell is going on. ”

        Evidence for this?

        “Things are much stranger and varied than you will admit (determined atheism) so, you’ve closed your book.”

        Evidence for this?

        “So the Harvard botanists as well, were stumped and also agreed with Wade, so stop dodging. ”

        Who are these harvard botanists?

        “There is a lot of evidence that ideas and thoughts come from somewhere outside your own brain. ”

        What is this evidence?

        Poor Jim, has to lie like so many theists do, trying to make believe that anyone but him just has to be a nihilist. No, Jim, in the “mechanical universe”, humanity isn’t “nothing anyway.” It’s a pretty neat phenomena that humans exist and try to understand what they come from. You seem to be upset that people, and the universe, dare to disagree with you. And why shouldn’t they since you have yet to support your claims?

        Now, if the scientific method is so horrible, why are you using a computer, Jim? Why do you use the internet, modern medicine, modern foodstuffs, etc? Why are you such a hypocrite? It seems to be because you want your cake and eat it too, attacking science when it dares show you wrong, but sucking it up when it makes you comfy.


      5. we? Hmmm, it seems that Jim has the issue of declaring that imaginary people agree with him. That or he has a mouse in his pocketmouse in his pocketmouse in his pocket.

        Just like a certain orange narcissist windbag.

        More baseless claims about me to hide how he has no evidence for his prior claims. It’s a shame that you tried to claim that you made no claims, when I can quote you. You certainly don’t like me showing these quotes:

        We’re barely here if even at all. Some Chinese philosophies have pointed this out for 3000 years, yet you’d credit science with discovering this void of material without any real explanation at all, while simultaneously discrediting the other as “magic”. ”
        What are these philosophies?
        “A lot of scientists (not all) think that almost all the mass of our bodies comes from the kinetic energy of the quarks and the binding energy of the gluons, yet these are massless. ”
        Who are these scientists?
        “You speak with authority but even the physicist really don’t know what the hell is going on. ”
        Evidence for this?
        “Things are much stranger and varied than you will admit (determined atheism) so, you’ve closed your book.”
        Evidence for this?
        “So the Harvard botanists as well, were stumped and also agreed with Wade, so stop dodging. ”
        Who are these harvard botanists?
        “There is a lot of evidence that ideas and thoughts come from somewhere outside your own brain. ”
        What is this evidence?
        “If you can’t remember, you denied the “chosen people,Hebrew/Christian has influenced your scientific method and outcomes of that science which is still to subdue the earth. No false claims. You just can’t seem to connect a dot.”
        Evidence for this supposed influence? Jim also claimed that I supported the idea of a “chosen people” but could not cut and paste one instance where I did.
        “The crow is a spirit animal associated with life mysteries and magic. ”
        Evidence for this?
        “You sound like a freaking broken record and have yet to connect one iota of thought to another.”
        Funny how that isn’t true at all and Jim can’t support his claim here either.


      6. You didn’t say that, why would they? You’ve been nothing but a jerk this entire time. Nobody likes small people that continue on their temper tantrum’s and provide nothing to the conversation.


      7. so we have you saying “I’ve noticed a pluthra of comments supporting you nonsensical attacks. There even on the news!! Narcissist” trying to be clever?

        Again, we have you making claims about how people support you. Where is that support, Jim? You also continue to make false claims that I’ve “provided nothing to the conversation”. That is patently untrue since I’ve asked you to provide evidence for your claims so we can discuss that. You refuse to do so. Why is that, Jim? You’ve offered the baseless excuse that ““Why would I provide more when you just dismiss it anyway?”” which as I’ve noted is a classic theist excuse when they have no evidence for their claims either. I also don’t just “dismiss” your nonsense, I look at it and then point out how it fails. That’s called a discussion, Jim.

        You seem upset that I dare to disagree with you and that I don’t blindly support you. I will hazard a guess that you’ve found my arguments against others to be valid in the past but when they are set against you, you are shocked for some reason. You claimed on your blog that I should support you since you’ve supported me. Sorry, it doesn’t work that way.


      8. Jim is not willing to be berated for having a conversation. I accept correction regularly. I have nothing to prove and you don’t seem to like that.
        Somehow Andrea, I don’t think we communicate well. I’m naming no one for you. I gave you one bio on Wade Davis the botanist and you completely ignored it. Why would I provide more when you just dismiss it anyway? I refuse. Your a narcissist, and I bet that’s not the first time you’ve heard that.


      9. that I commented about the article makes it rather hard for me to have “completely ignored it”.

        you lose your bet. No surprise there.

        “Why would I provide more when you just dismiss it anyway?”

        classic claim from someone who has no evidence for their claim. Theist use this response often.


      10. You should check your meds Andrea. Have a wonderful life. Out of all your false claims, you’ve said nothing now for a month. Offered nothing, just tantrums over some ideas of discussion. Bye


      11. Now, you attack people with mental illness in your desperation to try to insult me. How expected. As for my supposed “false claims”, I’ve asked you to show me what these are. You’ve consistently refused. How unsurprising.

        now, do go. You keep saying you’ll go and yet…..


      12. So you admit you have a mental illness. That is a difficult think to do publicly. That is a good step. If you would like to talk about it, maybe I’m not the most accessible resource, but I’m here if you need to keep venting.
        I noticed your header you enjoy observing suffering;


      13. Not upset. For you it’s a cry for help and getting attention can validate you. Don’t project your anxiety on me. I’m sad to lose an ally over your inability to accept things as they are. We disagree. You have expectations to validate your rude personality. I don’t. The fact that you enjoy the suffering of others makes me glad you don’t have a basement.
        The narcissist in you couldn’t help but share yourself on video of a pathetic attempt to one -up Ray comfort really illustrates this better than I can. It’s very clear to me now, so Godspeed, and take care of yourself.


      14. more false claims, and Jim has yet to show that his opinions are the way “things are”.

        He now uses the common theist tactic of trying to claim I’m “rude” for showing him wrong. As for claims that I’m a narcissist, still no evidence for this. I suppose that all other atheists who have shown that they can show a Christian wrong are “narcissists” too. Even Jim. Of course, that is silly.

        I do like that he now appears to be defending Ray Comfort. It isn’t unknown for humans who are seeing their mortality to run back to beliefs in gods and magic. They are appealing ideas. Too bad they aren’t true.

        Oh and I do have a basement. It’s a leaky old one with washer and dryer, fuel oil tank and furnace, plus some of my painting stuff. totally unsuitable for Jim’s fantasies 🙂

        Bye, Jim. I suspect this isn’t the last I see of you. Hopefully, I’m wrong. It does get depressing to see your antics.


      15. No, that post did not say that I have a mental illness. You had to pretend it did so you could try to insult me again. I do have generalized anxiety disorder, thanks to childhood emotional neglect and being a “highly sensitive personhighly sensitive personhighly sensitive person” with a brain that acts differently than the majority of the population. My husband is bipolar. There is no shame in having either illness, just like there is no shame in being diabetic or having a brain tumor. I’ve long been out about having a mental illness all through this blog. If you didn’t depend on willful ignorance, you’d know that.

        Now, Jim, do you want to insult my husband too? Someone who makes fun of people with mental illnesses isn’t someone who cares about people.

        As for the name of my blog, yep, I do enjoy the self-inflicted suffering of people who depend on willful ignorance and lies. You’d see that additional information if you cared to, on the link above to the “The Boss’s officeThe Boss’s officeThe Boss’s office”.


        words from Jim



        and he’s still here


      16. Why do you always assume anything you don’t have the capacity to understand, is a false claim? Get a clue. Nobody has a problem here but you. Maybe that should tell you something.


      17. and again, Jim has nothing to support his claimed. Now we’re back to him trying to pretend that I can’t understand his nonsense so he can pretend his fantasies exist.

        No one here other than me has responded to your nonsense here, Jim, positively or negatively. On your own blog, your claims about everyone agreeing with you are demonstrably false. So your claims that “nobody” disagrees with you here are just more inventions on your part.


      18. Jim never made any claims. Jim offered some ideas for discussion. Obviously they worked because you can’t let it go. You sound like a freaking broken record and have yet to connect one iota of thought to another. You want to fight and argue for that is your personality. You are making false claims that I made false claims. Bye


      19. Jim is a liar. I can quote you. It’s a shame you’ve decided to ignore what you’ve said and try to hide behind a false claim of you were just “offering ideas for discussion”.

        “We’re barely here if even at all. Some Chinese philosophies have pointed this out for 3000 years, yet you’d credit science with discovering this void of material without any real explanation at all, while simultaneously discrediting the other as “magic”. ”

        What are these philosophies?

        “A lot of scientists (not all) think that almost all the mass of our bodies comes from the kinetic energy of the quarks and the binding energy of the gluons, yet these are massless. ”

        Who are these scientists?

        “You speak with authority but even the physicist really don’t know what the hell is going on. ”

        Evidence for this?

        “Things are much stranger and varied than you will admit (determined atheism) so, you’ve closed your book.”

        Evidence for this?

        “So the Harvard botanists as well, were stumped and also agreed with Wade, so stop dodging. ”
        Who are these harvard botanists?

        “There is a lot of evidence that ideas and thoughts come from somewhere outside your own brain. ”

        What is this evidence?

        “If you can’t remember, you denied the “chosen people,Hebrew/Christian has influenced your scientific method and outcomes of that science which is still to subdue the earth. No false claims. You just can’t seem to connect a dot.”

        Evidence for this supposed influence? Jim also claimed that I supported the idea of a “chosen people” but could not cut and paste one instance where I did.

        “The crow is a spirit animal associated with life mysteries and magic. ”

        Evidence for this?

        “You sound like a freaking broken record and have yet to connect one iota of thought to another.”

        Funny how that isn’t true at all and Jim can’t support his claim here either.

        You now run away just as predicted with still not one “iota” of evidence for your claims. claim: an assertion open to challenge


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