Not So Polite Dinner Conversation – Poor SOM, failing yet again

one more for good measure….
If you are a new reader to this blog, you may not be familiar with a fellow named “Silence of Mind”, a TrueChristian(tm). He’s been around a while and as always he fails miserably with his screeds about atheists.

He’s on about how bad atheists are and trying to very hard to attack John Loftus, someone I consider a very good counter apologist. SOM is a coward so here’s my response to his nonsense (his claims in quotes).

Oh dear, poor SOM is whining about John Loftus’ website and showing just how ignorant Christians are. This is great, let’s see how SOM fails as he always does.

“Atheists never explain atheism. Instead, they attack Christianity or the Christian with determined, unrelenting focus. The website name, debunking-Christianity, attests to this fact as does every atheist commenter on the site.”

Poor SOM, unfortunately for him, atheists do explain atheism.  Atheism is the conclusion that a particular god or gods doesn’t exist.  He’s an atheist too since he is sure that other gods than his own don’t exist. 

“Atheist rhetoric is based on a list of talking points used by all atheists. Talking points relieve the atheist of the need to think for himself.”

Curious how all people use talking points, including SOM and his fellow cultists.  Of course, they can’t agree on many of their talking points since Christians don’t agree on the most basic things in their religion. 

“When confronted with reasoning or facts outside their talking point box, the atheist may attempt to change the subject back to an atheist talking point.”

As usual, not true, and poor SOM can’t show any instances of this at all.  He makes false accusations as usual.

“Atheists attack the credibility of sources like the Bible, for example. Here is link to a post on debunking-Christianity whose thesis attacks the credibility of the New Testament.”

Unsurprisingly, the bible is not a credible source at all. Even Christians can’t agree on what it says.  Curious how poor SOM can’t show that any of Loftus’ arguments are wrong.  He simply whines and claims they are.   

Atheists love to derail conversations with trivia and technicality, disputes over the definition of words, a thicket of statistics.”

Again, an accusation with no evidence to support it.  It’s great how poor SOM is upset that atheists have statistics to show how his claims fail and it’s great that he gets up set when his lies about what words mean don’t work. 

“Atheists are Marxists, so their version of history is one rewritten and tailored to make atheism and Marxism work out for them. A person who recites authentic history will invariably be called a liar.”

Atheists follow all sorts of different economic models, and nope, we aren’t all “Marxists”. That’s just SOM trying to use fear to scare people into his cult. I’m a happy capitalist who would like to see some universal needs met for everyone.  SOM has yet to recite authentic history, and has no evidence for his claims. 

“Atheists cite science but are science illiterate.”

ROFL.  Unsurprisingly, SOM is wrong about this too.   SOM has demonstrated many times he has no idea what the sciences say and he repeatedly attacks strawmen versions since he is too cowardly to learn about what he attacks.  He’s especially ignorant about evolutionary theory.  I’m a geologist, and many other atheists are scientists so his claim is deliberately false.  Sad that his god hates lies and liars, even if they think lying for this god is a good idea.  He needs to read Romans 3.

“If all else fails, the atheist will resort to severe verbal abuse and blasphemy. host, John Loftus even resorts to censorship and editing of comments if a Christian’s argument proves effective. Truth is not an atheist value.”

Unsurprisngly, SOM again has no evidence for “severe verbal abuse” at all.  He considers anyone ever telling him he’s wrong “abuse”, like any three year old. As for “blasphemy”, that is a term invented by cultists to try to claim their imaginary friend is upset that people don’t agree with it.  NO evidence for god, thus no “blasphemy”. 

SOM writes these screeds since he needs attention, and he’s upset that people dare not agree with his nonsense.  He also has to attack other Christians since he’s sure he’s the only TrueChristian™.   

Curious how he also has no evidence for this lovely bit of nonsense “As a result, atheist Marxists own every major institution in what was once Christian Western Civilization.”  He’s just one more Christian nationalist who is upset he’s just a loser who worships losers.

Let’s give poor ol’ SOM a hand for showing just why no one need this cult’s nonsense.

Not So Polite Dinner Conversation – when your cult depends on nothing but fear

Just another found post by christians regarding atheists, and their attempts to gin up fear to keep people in the cult and to try to scare people into joining this cult. It’s from quite a website, “The Orthosphere” which claims:

“We are Christians: Catholic, Protestant and Orthodox. We believe our religion is true, and we take the Bible and the Church Fathers as our guides to the faith. We do not innovate religiously, for that is folly.

We affirm our respective traditions where they disagree with the other branches of Christianity, but we do so respectfully, for we have much in common (catholic or mere christianity ) and our enterprise has as much to do with society as with religion.

Socio-politically, we can be called “traditionalist conservatives” or “Christian reactionaries.”  Since we agree that Modernity—the fundamental principle of contemporary Western Civilization—is radically defective, we are branded “far-right.” In truth, we affirm what was regarded as self-evident by the vast majority of mankind until well into the Twentieth Century: Religion is true, authority is valid and good, man and woman differ in essential ways, and so on. If affirming reality puts us at the rightmost end of the political spectrum, as the world construes politics, then so be it.

We recognize that the societies of the West are radically disordered, and it is our desire that they move toward a more proper order, one which acknowledges Christianity. Although we are Christians, our primary concern here is not with how individual souls are to be saved from the wrath of God, but rather with how society ought to be ordered. Therefore both Christians and friendly non-Christians are welcome at the Orthosphere.”

funny how these christians claim each other are wrong consistently and each claism the others are going to hell. So much for “respect”. I guess fear makes strange bedfellows yet again. BTW, there is no such thing as “mere christianity”, nonsense invented by C.S. Lewis who said:

“I should have been out of my depth in such waters: more in need of help myself than able to help others. And secondly, I think we must admit that the discussion of these disputed points has no
tendency at all to bring an outsider into the Christian fold. So long as we write and talk about them we are much more likely to deter him from entering any Christian communion than to draw him into our own. Our divisions should never be discussed except in the presence of those who have already come to believe that there is one God and that Jesus Christ is His only Son.” – Mere Christianity, preface

Nothing like a good lie to try to make sure someone can’t make an informed decision. These christians are each quite sure only their versions is the truth.

as usual, little new here.

Here’s part of the post I found, by a “kristor”, who has appeared on this blog before. He’s quite the messed up little fellow. :

“A thought as we approach the end of the Thanksgiving season: honest consistent atheists can’t believe there is anyone to whom thanks for the blessings of this our life and its world are owed, or from whom any goods are derived. Indeed, they can’t consistently believe that there are any objective goods in the first place, let alone blessings; they can believe only in specious goods – in idiotic goods (solipsistic goods, i.e., which as such are idiosyncratic, and that as nowise ordered under any Logos are therefore idiopathic). In a world ordered only by happenstance, there can be no other sort – including the good of order, and the good of understanding, which on atheism must too be specious.”

It’s nothing new to see these typical false claims by christians.   Atheism is not nihilism, so they fail immediately.   No one needs their imaginary god to know what good is. This is a typical attempt by a christian to try to scare people into joining their religion by lying.  A rather curious tactic by people who claim to worship a god that hates lies and liars.

There is no evidence of any objective good, and one would have to wonder how these christians would demonstrate that.  What we see from christians is a range of claims of what this god of theirs wants when it comes to morals. They can’t agree, nor can they show their god merely exists.

This range of claims shows that christian morality is subjective.  The other way we can see that christianity morality is subjective is that christians must excuse their god when it does things that, hopefully, they would find horrible if a human did the same.  This shows their morality is dependent on, e.g. subject to, who someone is, not a system of where a moral is always associated with an action. 

That there is no objective good doesn’t mean there is no good.  Humans determine morality, not some imaginary being.  This also means that atheists, and other non-christians, can be thankful to real people and things, no imaginary nonsense needed. 

it’s also rather funny how the author tries to use big words and gets them wrong.  Material objects can’t be solipsistic or idiopathic or idiosyncratic or specious.  The attempt by the christian to seem educated fails. 

“I do not of course mean to suggest that men who style themselves atheists do not indeed feel gratitude, or any others of the loving feelings. Apart from the psychopaths among them, they do. What I mean to suggest rather is that any man who does honestly feel any of the loving feelings cannot be both a consistent and an honest atheist. He must be faking something or other, not just to others, but even to himself; most likely his atheism.

Notwithstanding all that, a Happy Thanksgiving to all who encounter this text, whether or not they truly believe in Thanksgiving.”

Of course, he means to try to lie about atheists.  He simply fails miserably. 

Happily, no one needs a christian’s imaginary friend to feel love, gratitude, etc.  The only one here faking anything is the christian.  As usual, the chrsitian has to desperately claim that there are no atheists, since he is terrified of anyone who doesn’t need his god, or more appropriately, him.

Update 11/27/23: poor Kristor, trying to be so impressive, and ending up with no more than a word salad as his “response“. All of that incoherences and still no evidence for objective morality *or* his imaginary friend.

Update 11/28: poor Kristor and his little friend JM. It’s great to see them fail, and show how that they are indeed terrified since my posts just never seem to get out of moderation. I’ve entertained myself by making a pdf of their comments, which are filled with excuses about how they just have such wonderful rebuttals but can’t show what they are.

update 12/4/23: and another pdf of their comments