Not So Polite Dinner Conversation – Poor SOM, failing yet again

one more for good measure….
If you are a new reader to this blog, you may not be familiar with a fellow named “Silence of Mind”, a TrueChristian(tm). He’s been around a while and as always he fails miserably with his screeds about atheists.

He’s on about how bad atheists are and trying to very hard to attack John Loftus, someone I consider a very good counter apologist. SOM is a coward so here’s my response to his nonsense (his claims in quotes).

Oh dear, poor SOM is whining about John Loftus’ website and showing just how ignorant Christians are. This is great, let’s see how SOM fails as he always does.

“Atheists never explain atheism. Instead, they attack Christianity or the Christian with determined, unrelenting focus. The website name, debunking-Christianity, attests to this fact as does every atheist commenter on the site.”

Poor SOM, unfortunately for him, atheists do explain atheism.  Atheism is the conclusion that a particular god or gods doesn’t exist.  He’s an atheist too since he is sure that other gods than his own don’t exist. 

“Atheist rhetoric is based on a list of talking points used by all atheists. Talking points relieve the atheist of the need to think for himself.”

Curious how all people use talking points, including SOM and his fellow cultists.  Of course, they can’t agree on many of their talking points since Christians don’t agree on the most basic things in their religion. 

“When confronted with reasoning or facts outside their talking point box, the atheist may attempt to change the subject back to an atheist talking point.”

As usual, not true, and poor SOM can’t show any instances of this at all.  He makes false accusations as usual.

“Atheists attack the credibility of sources like the Bible, for example. Here is link to a post on debunking-Christianity whose thesis attacks the credibility of the New Testament.”

Unsurprisingly, the bible is not a credible source at all. Even Christians can’t agree on what it says.  Curious how poor SOM can’t show that any of Loftus’ arguments are wrong.  He simply whines and claims they are.   

Atheists love to derail conversations with trivia and technicality, disputes over the definition of words, a thicket of statistics.”

Again, an accusation with no evidence to support it.  It’s great how poor SOM is upset that atheists have statistics to show how his claims fail and it’s great that he gets up set when his lies about what words mean don’t work. 

“Atheists are Marxists, so their version of history is one rewritten and tailored to make atheism and Marxism work out for them. A person who recites authentic history will invariably be called a liar.”

Atheists follow all sorts of different economic models, and nope, we aren’t all “Marxists”. That’s just SOM trying to use fear to scare people into his cult. I’m a happy capitalist who would like to see some universal needs met for everyone.  SOM has yet to recite authentic history, and has no evidence for his claims. 

“Atheists cite science but are science illiterate.”

ROFL.  Unsurprisingly, SOM is wrong about this too.   SOM has demonstrated many times he has no idea what the sciences say and he repeatedly attacks strawmen versions since he is too cowardly to learn about what he attacks.  He’s especially ignorant about evolutionary theory.  I’m a geologist, and many other atheists are scientists so his claim is deliberately false.  Sad that his god hates lies and liars, even if they think lying for this god is a good idea.  He needs to read Romans 3.

“If all else fails, the atheist will resort to severe verbal abuse and blasphemy. host, John Loftus even resorts to censorship and editing of comments if a Christian’s argument proves effective. Truth is not an atheist value.”

Unsurprisngly, SOM again has no evidence for “severe verbal abuse” at all.  He considers anyone ever telling him he’s wrong “abuse”, like any three year old. As for “blasphemy”, that is a term invented by cultists to try to claim their imaginary friend is upset that people don’t agree with it.  NO evidence for god, thus no “blasphemy”. 

SOM writes these screeds since he needs attention, and he’s upset that people dare not agree with his nonsense.  He also has to attack other Christians since he’s sure he’s the only TrueChristian™.   

Curious how he also has no evidence for this lovely bit of nonsense “As a result, atheist Marxists own every major institution in what was once Christian Western Civilization.”  He’s just one more Christian nationalist who is upset he’s just a loser who worships losers.

Let’s give poor ol’ SOM a hand for showing just why no one need this cult’s nonsense.

4 thoughts on “Not So Polite Dinner Conversation – Poor SOM, failing yet again

  1. Apparently SoM missed that part in the Bible about not bearing false witness. Not a good look for you and your beliefs, SoM, not a good look at all.


  2. Is that idiot still at it? I guess I’m not surprised, that sort of loony doesn’t just go away on its own. They should make a cream for that…

    Reading through the bullet points there, all I could think was what a load of horse shit. These claims describe no atheist I know. It’s a bunch of straw atheists living in his pathetic little head, that he’s talking about. And, some Class A projection to boot.



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