Not So Polite Dinner Conversation – AU blog post “Texas Theocrat Says Voting For Trump Is OK Because God Has ‘A Different Standard’”

Amazing the excuses that some Christians will use.

“David Barton, the Religious Right’s favorite phony historian, is trying to sell his base on voting for Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump. But where most of Barton’s allies have resorted to pumping up Trump by dumping on Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, Barton acknowledges Trump’s flaws – but says they don’t matter because Trump has been chosen by God to lead the United States.

Furthermore, Barton says, if you don’t vote for Trump, God might hold you accountable.” –

Barton is a notorious liar in history, politics and religion.  He does serve as a great example of a TrueChristian and I have to thank him for demonstrating just how idiotic the Christian god is by listing all of the bad choices for leaders this god made.


Addendum:  and now another Christian pastor is sure that Trump is here to prepare the way for JC and the “end times”.