From the Bar – three more wines and a cocktail of our own

Just having returned from visiting my folks, I have more wines and drinks to review.  My folks are very nice folks, ordinary but nicer than most. And I find going to visit them ridiculously stressful.

So, on to the new wines.  My folks live in very very rural Pennsylvania.  We were going to take a growler from Otto’s (their Ottonator is excellent), but it would have been a little pricy. So we waited until we got closer to home and grabbed a couple of random bottles from the local state store.

Deadbolt red blend – This got picked up because of a cool font on the bottle.   I’ve seen that another reviewer compared it to Apothic Red and it is very similar, so  Lorie nails the review in my opinion.  I do love my Califorina red blends.

Snoqualmie Riesling – A sweet Riesling and yep, it’s very much like pears drenched in honey.  Most excellent and I think would be great blended with a drier sparkling wine.   It’d also make a great base for a white sangria.

Be Flirty Pink Moscato – this was drunk the day before we went up to visit.  And we drank it with “pigs in a blanket”, hot dogs with cheese slices wrapped in refrigerated crescent roll dough and baked.  Yep, pretty much the comfort food of the poor at one time or other in the US.  Being a moscato, it was sweet but not as much as you’d think. Very much for a very déclassé, but tasty dinner.

Pink Mist
Pink Mist

And a cocktail!  My husband came up with the name “Pink Mist” for this since in much of science fiction, people are being threatened to be turned into a pink mist. (blasters, hard vac, etc tend to do this in SF, though not quite in reality).

1 oz Lunazul tequila reposado (our favorite tequila by far! Amazing quality for the price.)

2 oz. guanabana (soursop) nectar (we can usually only get Goya)

¼ tsp grenadine (Rose’s. the fake stuff but the real stuff should work well)

1/8 tsp lime juice (reconstituted but likely much better fresh)

Shake the above with ice in a shaker.  Pour into favored glass. Top off with bitter lemon soda (Schweppes brand. this is a lemon soda with quinine as a bittering agent).

Be back soon with more posts about atheism and theism. The usual Billy Graham column and our very own TrueChristian, KD, have provided most excellent source material recently.  In case you haven’t seen it, please do chime in on this post to tell me why one theist’s claim of intervention by their god should be taking as more valid than another’s. Or why it shouldn’t.

Drink well!

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